Split complementary colors

Split complementary colors - tint - shade - tone - hue


Split complementary colors are a captivating color arrangement that involves pairing a primary color with two adjacent hues to its complementary color. For instance, let's take the primary color blue. Its complementary color is orange. In a split complementary scheme, blue would be combined with the colors adjacent to orange, which are yellow-orange and red-orange.

Imagine a vibrant artwork with deep blue as the primary color, accentuated by the warm tones of yellow-orange and red-orange. This trio of colors creates an exciting visual impact while maintaining a sense of harmony. The contrast between the blue and the warm oranges adds a dynamic energy to the composition.

Split complementary color schemes offer an opportunity to harness the power of complementary colors, but with a twist. Instead of pairing directly with the complementary color, the adjacent colors bring nuance and depth. For instance, if green is your base color, the split complementary palette might incorporate red-violet and red-orange, injecting a rich and multi-layered character into the design.

Designers often employ split complementary palettes to craft captivating visuals. By intelligently combining colors like blue, yellow-orange, and red-orange, they evoke emotions and set moods that engage viewers and create a balanced yet captivating aesthetic.
